Note: This nomination type provides the ability to nominate others or other companies for awards. If you are nominating yourself or your own store/company, please use the ‘Nominate Yourself or Your Company‘ link under Nominations & Voting.’

Please click below to review the nomination rules for:

    All fields with (*) are required.

    *Your Name

    *Company Name

    *Address Line 1

    Address Line 2


    *State / Prov    

    *ZIP or Postal Code:

    *Contact Phone

    *Contact Email Address

    *This is to nominate:

    *Address Line 1

    Address Line 2


    *State / Prov    

    *ZIP or Postal Code:

    *Contact Phone

    *Contact Email Address

    *for the award of:

    *How long has this person been in the industry or company been serving the industry? (estimate if unknown)

    *How long have you known this person or know of this company?

    *Please describe why the person or company indicated is deserving of the award.