Use this form to nominate one applicable award. To complete multiple awards submissions, fill out an additional form for each category submission.

Click Here to Second a Nomination

Nominating Others: To nominate a someone other than yourself or your own company for an award, please use the provided link Nominate Others (Blind Nomination)

Please click below to review the nomination rules for:

    All fields with (*) are required.

    *Your Name

    *Company Name

    *Address Line 1

    Address Line 2


    *State / Prov    

    *ZIP or Postal Code:

    *Contact Phone

    *Contact Email Address

    *This is a nomination for:

    *Insert the link to your video below. (Vendors, Distributors, Sales firms & reps: Enter N/A):
    Instructions for uploading a video to YouTube
    Instructions for uploading a video to Vimeo

    By clicking "Send" and submitting this nomination, I hereby acknowledge that this nomination is for myself or the company I represent, and in no way infringes on any other person's or company's right to represent themselves in this nomination process.